Settlement Brochure Video

professional settlement brochure video productions for legal cases

The Settlement Brochure Video Production

 The settlement brochure video production is very similar to the day in the life video production, but tackles it in a broader and more comprehensive manner. It is a compilation of evidences related to a case including video interviews from victims and his or her family members, experts and witnesses.  Footage from incident scene, photos, police reports and other documentation information also related to the case may also be included in the video.

Here is a testimonial via Martson Law Offices located in Carlisle, PA.

The main objective of a Settlement Brochure video production is to become instrumental in delivering a powerful and compelling settlement video. Documenting the life of a seriously injured person as seen through their eyes – the hardship, mental and emotional anguish that they must go through as a result of their injury due to some form of negligence and malpractice should result to faster, more efficient and higher settlements of lawsuits for your client.

Typically, these video productions are very heart-wrenching, depicting the severity of the injury’s effects on the plaintiff’s life. It expertly illustrates the story of real people, and not just a name or docket number on a scrap of paper.  Moreover, these video productions not only show the daily activity of the plaintiff but also what the immediate family must endure, every single day due to the life-altering incident that the plaintiff went through.

Visual impact is far stronger than words. It appeals directly to senses and illicit faster emotional responses. Settlement brochure videos bring case to life illustrating both the liability and damages incurred by the plaintiff.  Seeing a person’s injuries due to some form of negligence or malpractice, gives the true reality of the situation and the kind of life that the person must endure, consequently bringing about a faster and higher settlement.

A moving emotional video such as the settlement brochure video is a very effective way to call the insurance adjusters and opposing counsel to action. It is a powerful tool to use when sitting down at the negotiation table with opposing counsel, expert witnesses and/or insurance representatives and getting the best settlement for your client.

Janis Digital Media, The Video Production Experts

Janis Digital Media and the owner, John Bell, have been in the video production business for over 25 years while producing and directing many fine video productions along the way.  We have done extensive video production work for Anapol Schwartz and Delany & O’Brien with regard to Day In The Life/Settlement Brochure video productions over the last 10 years,  with approximately 30 Settlement Brochure video productions.  We are based in Philadelphia but do work in South Jersey, New Jersey, Delaware, New York and any state in the Northeast.  Contact us about other areas.

Janis Digital Media has the experience and the expertise to produce a professional settlement brochure or “day in the life” video production.  Bring your case to life and resolve it with powerful and customized videos. Contact Us today and discover how Janis Digital Media can help you get the best settlement for your client.

  1. settlement video is like collecting evidence on the real situation a subject is in.

  2. documenting one person in their day to day life can help us understand what is really happening in their life. how they live and what they do to live their life.

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